© Copyright Liene Liepiņa


  1.    I have been drawing since childhood. I enjoyed visual arts at school and I attended the after-school art classes. After high school, I followed my passion, immersed myself into the beauty of the floristry and attended design courses on flower care, handling and arranging. It took me a while before I decided to study at the Art Academy of Latvia. The experience and skills which were enhanced by artist Helēna Heinrihsone helped me through entrance examinations which I passed and enrolled in Art Academy therefore now and always, I want to express my gratitude to Helēna.

       I entered the Department of Restoration. Through my degree, I gained valuable knowledge and enriched practical skills. In the technologies of paining and restoration. I had a chance to scrutinize and study the structure of paintings. I have an in-depth understanding of its various layers – from the base material to the varnish. For a few years, I had a fantastic opportunity to visit the Latvian National Museum of Art and duplicate masterpieces. This experience has forged my painting style and signature.

        Flowers, trees, and wild-life – all that comes from God, nourish me with love, energy and inspiration which I reflect in my paintings. I am happy and thankful that I am given this talent, hence following my passion, enjoying the moment and fulfilling desires. I express and share delight and positive emotions via my paintings. 

    Born on February 6, 1979 in Ogre, Latvia


    1986.-1994.   Ogre High school

    1994.-1997.   Ogre Gymnasium

    2004.-.2008.  Art Academy of Latvia, Bachelor of Art academic degree

    2008.-2011.   Art Academy of Latvia, Master of Arts degree in the Humanities

    Additional Education

    1990.-1994.   Ogre's School of Arts

    2000.-2002.   Rita's Garaissils floristical courses

    2002.-2004.   Evening courses Latvian ArtAcademy

    2002.-2004.   Painting practices with artist Helēna Heinrihsone

    Group Exhibitions

    2006. LAA School of Restauration 15th anniversary exhibition, “Restoration from other point of view”, Riga, Latvia

    2007. Exhibition „Autumn 2007”, Riga, Latvia

    2008. Exhibition „19th Century portret in Latvia”, Rundale castle, Latvia

    2008. LAA students’ art exhibition „“Brederlo – von Sengbusch arts premier

    2008. “BREDERLO-VON SENGBUSCH art Premium competition exhibition, the ArtAcademy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia

    2009. Exhibition Association of Refurbishment of Latvia – 20”, Mencendorfs House, Riga, Latvia

    2009. Competition exhibition „SEB grant in painting”, the ArtAcademy, Riga, Latvia

    2009. Exhibition „Autumn 2009”, “Happy Art Museum, Riga, Latvia

    2010. Exhibition „Pārmija”, Riga ArtSpace, Riga, Latvia

    2010. Exhibition of Baltic Fine Art Student and Young Artist Artwork competition, Gallery  Globalartroom, Riga, Latvia

    2010. Competition exhibition „SEB grant in painting”, the ArtAcademy of Latvia, Riga, Latvia

    2012.  Exhibition “The painting of the year”, Gallery Agija Suna, Riga, Latvia

    2013.  Paintings and glass objects “Whipped cream”, Gallery Agija Suna, Riga, Latvia

    2013.  Ehxibition"About what was and will be", Gallery Agija Suna, Riga, Latvia

    2013.   Exhibition “The painting of the year”, Gallery Agija Suna, Riga, Latvia

    2014. Exhibition "Winter, winter", Gallery Pop up, Riga, Latvia

    2015. Exhibition “Sprout”, Gallery Pop-Up, Riga, Latvia

    2015. Exhibition “Winter, winter II”, Gallery Pop-Up, Riga, Latvia

    2016. Exhibition “Sprout II”, Gallery Pop-Up, Riga, Latvia

    2016. Exhibition “Blue”, San Nicolao Church, Bellano, Italy

    2017. Exhibition “Vision”, Maiga Art Gallery, Riga Plaza, Riga, Latvia

    2017. Exhibition "Birthday", Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvia

    2017. "Summer Exhibition", Castle Fine Art Gallery, Birmingham, UK

    2017.   Exhibition “The painting of the year”, theater Daile, Riga, Latvia

    2017.   Exhibition “Blue”, St. Nicholas Church, Bellano, Italy

    2017.   “Affordable Art Fair”, Stockholm, Sweden

    2018.   Exhibition “Mystery. Ritual Art”, Gallery JJ Museum LV, Riga, Latvia

    2018.   Exhibition “And this night in mu castle”, Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvia

    2018.   Exhibition “A midsummer nigh't dream”, Gallery M. Maksla, Riga, Latvia

    2019.   Exhibition “We continue the flight”, Gallery M. Maksla, Riga, Latvia

    2020.   Exhibition “Artifact. Fifth civilization.”, Gallery Grata JJ Museum LV, Riga, Latvia

    2020.   Exhibitin “Cats”, Kunstiruum, Tallin, Estonia

    2021.   Exhibition “Don't forget to be happy”, art gallery Bazar’t, Riga, Latvia

    2021.   Exhibition “Arrives in summer”, art gallery Bazar’t, Riga, Latvia

    2022.   Exhibition “The art of giving art”, art gallery Bazar’t, Riga, Latvia

    2023.   Exhibition “Green life”, art gallery Bazar’t, Riga, Latvia

    2024.   Exhibition “Mergupe meadow – honey lust”, Mālpils cultural center, Mālpils, Latvia

    2024.   Exhibition “The art of giving art”, art gallery Bazar’t, Riga, Latvia

    Solo Exhibitions

    2014.   Exhibition "Live in a fairy tale" together with Ilvita Didrihsone, Gallery Agija   Sūna, Riga, Latvia

    2015. Exhibition “Live in a fairy tale”, together with Ilvita Didrihsone, Alūksne  palace, Alūksne, Latvia

    2016. Exhibition “Meeting”, together with Ilvita Didrihsone, Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvia

    2018.  Exhibition "Paintings", the palace of culture “Ziemeļblāzma”, Riga, Latvia

    2018.  Exhibition “LA DOLCE VITA “, Vīna Studija, Riga, Latvia

    2020.  Exhibition “Portrait”, Gallery M Māksla, Riga, Latvia

    2020.  Exhibition "Liene Liepiņa"s paintings, restaurant Italissimo, Riga, Latvia

    2024.  Exhibition “The Joy Collector”, Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvia

    Organized Exhibitions

    2017.  Group Exhibition “Birthday”, Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvia

    2018.  Group Exhibition “And this night again in my castle...”, Ungurmuiza Manor, Latvija